1. I love this so much. 2. Can I quote this in a blog post? I will link back to here!

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omg of course!!

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Thank you for the introduction to PageMelt. I hadn't encountered their content before, and I enjoy clock app folks who talk more than they gif react (both are fine, of course--watch what works for you, etc. etc.).

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I love Mel’s work so much!! they’re really wonderful, and right up your alley, I think ☺️

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I think you're right. :-) Happy Monday.

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Love your thoughts on feminism and reading and totally agree that it's simply impossible to make 100% "clean" feminist choices in everything we do or consume. And I do think you're right in that there is a double standard for women's media to be more feminist than men's. What we read doesn't have to be feminist but the way we talk about it can be perhaps? At least it's up to us how we discuss the media we consume.

I also find your thoughts on the "men written by women" archetype very valuable and think that this ties in with the overall "female gaze" which is also very white. On the one hand, I am glad that we have these concepts to discuss media, but on the other they are incomplete and not above criticism. So thank you for your thoughts, I will definitely keep them in mind when talking about books and fictional characters online! :)

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i think you’re totally into something about “how we talk about something” being different from what we consume, thank you for that!! and i totally agree that these concepts were (once upon a time) super useful but have kind of become coded with other things over time~ thanks so much for reading!! ☺️

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wow, i love your thoughts and insight! ✨i agree with what you said about "i think what we read Does say something about us unfortunately, especially if we are talking about it with lots of other people." -- i tend to be of the opinion that if we're going to talk about bodies of work on a platform or to an audience, we hold some responsibility to acknowledge the work's elements. obviously it varies, but people may interpret it as an endorsement if we're not mindful about how we platform it. to what extent does this mindfulness help stop the replication of dominant power systems and inequality? i don't know. but it's worth thinking about :)

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